日本木工機械展2023 出展者情報
Mokkiten Japan 2023 Exhibitors Information
株式会社 中橋製作所
Nakahashi MFG. Co., Ltd.
- 小間番号 / Booth No.
- E21
20 Takagi, Bessho-cho, Miki city, Hyogo 673-0435 Japan
TEL : 0794-82-2212
主な出展物名 / Name of Main Exhibits
・ チップソー / Saw Blades
・ プレカット替刃 / Precut insert tips
・ プレカット角のみ 『NH-Ⅱ』 / Precut Chisel & Bit "NH-Ⅱ"
・ ジョインター刃 / Planer Knives
主な見どころ / Main Highlights
■木材加工用刃物の開発、製造 / Woodworking Tools
Nakahashi MFG. has developed and manufactured woodworking tools for 70 years in Miki, Japan. We have been constantly working on product improvements based on the changing needs of our customers through out the years, and contributed in improving our customers productivity. We also will be happy to give you any advice on how to use the tools for a more efficient production. Please feel free to stop by and ask any questions you may have.