日本木工機械展2023 出展者情報
Mokkiten Japan 2023 Exhibitors Information
Hashimoto Denki Co., Ltd.
- 小間番号 / Booth No.
- B11
1-17 Shinden-cho 5-chome, Takahama-city, Aichi Pref., 444-1301 Japan
TEL : 0566-53-1866
主な出展物名 / Name of Main Exhibits
合板機械 Veneer and Plywood Manufacturing Machinery
・ GAIA Panel-36 合板全面(6面検査装置) / GAIA Panel-36 Plywood Grading AI Analyzer
主な見どころ / Main Highlights
■合板の表裏x2面、木口x4面全てをAIにて検査します。 / AI inspects the front and back, 2 sides, and all 4 wood edges of the plywood.
This device inspects the final stage of plywood production and is directly related to product evaluation in the market. In general, operators inspect the front and back (2 sides) and the wood edge (4 sides) at a rate of about 30 sheets per minute (1 sheet every 2 seconds), which is very tiring and requires them to take turns while performing inspections. In the midst of labor shortages, securing personnel with experience and inspection skills is also an urgent issue.
The revision of the JAS standard (enforced on January 19, 2023), which states, "When quality inspection is conducted on the face of lumber by a full-surface inspection machine, this shall not apply if the machine has the same performance as an inspection by a person in charge of quality inspection of the face of the product", has increased the need for plywood inspection device.
Two main new inspection technologies have been developed and invented (patents pending) as follows;
(1) Technology to improve detection accuracy by synchronizing, combining, and comparing reflected light illumination (light perpendicular to the veneer) and oblique light illumination images during front and back inspection.
(2) Correction technology that corrects and flattens images read by a camera and then detects missing short grains, overlapping short grains, etc., since the wood edge inspection detects veneers with a thickness of 2 to 3 mm, even minor warping, deformation, or vibration caused by conveyors can cause defects.
Please come and see our exhibit machine.