日本木工機械展2023 出展者情報

Mokkiten Japan 2023 Exhibitors Information

株式会社 富士製作所
小間番号 / Booth No.
〒410-0033  静岡県沼津市杉崎町11番11号
11-11 Sugizaki-cho, Numazu, Shizuoka Pref., 410-0033 Japan
TEL : 055-921-2233

主な出展物名 / Name of Main Exhibits

製材機械 Band Sawing Machinery
  • ・ オプチマイザー / optimizer
  • ・ FCD-900型 傾斜式送材車 / FCD-900 Inclined log carriage

主な見どころ / Main Highlights

■計測システム / Measurement System

・Using the latest scanner and measurement software based on many years of experience, we can instantly determine the best yield.
・It is possible to set the wood cutting according to the customer's request.
・High-precision measurement realizes labor-saving and high yield with accuracy that does not require the eyes of an expert.
・During the exhibition, we plan to demonstrate the measurement of plate materials.

■FCD-900型 傾斜式送材車 / FCD-900 FCD-900 Inclined log carriage

・By inclining the material transport vehicle, gravity is used to realize stable turning of wood and speeding up of setting.
・Because the back plate is always ejected face-up, transport troubles, which are a major factor in lowering the operating rate, are drastically reduced.
・Because the cutting surface is slanted, it is easy to check the wood grain.
・Excellent strength for a long period of time, achieving work efficiency and safety